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Always Available Variables
VariableReplaced with..Can be used in..
%VAR1% - VAR10%Custom variable value (defined in Custom Variables config file)Any messages
%PUBLICIP%Server's public IP (according to the server)Any server messages
%DAY_NUMBER%Current day number on serverAny messages
%WORLD_NAME%World name of the world used on the serverAny messages
%NUM_PLAYERS%Number of currently online playersAny messages
%JOIN_CODE%Server's join code (only if a join code exists, blank otherwise)Any messages
%TIMESTAMP%<t:UNIX_TIMESTAMP>Replaced with a Discord timestamp that will be converted to the user's local time.
%TIMESINCE%<t:UNIX_TIMESTAMP:R>Replaced with a Discord timestamp that will be converted to a relative time (e.g. 2 hours ago).
%UNIX_TIMESTAMP%UNIX timestamp of the event (e.g 12039232)This can be used to create a custom timestamp format in the message.
Random Messages

All of the message options support having multiple messages defined in a semicolon (;) separated list. If you have multiple messages defined for these settings, one gets chosen at random when DiscordConnector decides to send the corresponding message.

If you wanted to have a couple different messages for when a player dies (always chosen at random), you could simply set the config value like this:

Player Death Message = %PLAYER_NAME% has died a beautiful death!;%PLAYER_NAME% went to their end with honor!;%PLAYER_NAME% died.

Server Launch Message

Type: String, default value: Server is starting up.

Set the message that will be sent when the server starts up. If you want to have this choose from a variety of messages at random, separate each message with a semicolon ';' Random choice example: Server is starting;Server beginning to load If you use %PUBLICIP% in this message, it will be replaced with the public IP address of the server.

Server Started Message

Type: String, default value: Server has started!

Set the message that will be sent when the server has loaded the map and is ready for connections. If you want to have this choose from a variety of messages at random, separate each message with a semicolon ';' If you use %PUBLICIP% in this message, it will be replaced with the public IP address of the server.

Server Stop Message

Type: String, default value: Server is stopping.

Set the message that will be sent when the server shuts down. If you want to have this choose from a variety of messages at random, separate each message with a semicolon ';' If you use %PUBLICIP% in this message, it will be replaced with the public IP address of the server.

Server Shutdown Message

Type: String, default value: Server has stopped!

Set the message that will be sent when the server finishes shutting down. If you want to have this choose from a variety of messages at random, separate each message with a semicolon ';' If you use %PUBLICIP% in this message, it will be replaced with the public IP address of the server.

Server Saved Message

Type: String, default value: The world has been saved.

Set the message that will be sent when the server saves the world data. If you want to have this choose from a variety of messages at random, separate each message with a semicolon ';' If you use %PUBLICIP% in this message, it will be replaced with the public IP address of the server.

Server New Day Message

Type: String, default value: Day Number %DAY_NUMBER%

Set the message that will be sent when a new day starts. The %DAY_NUMBER% variable gets replaced with the new day number (e.g. "Day Number 34").